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Are you feeling at a crossroads?

Decision overloaded?

This quote rings so true for me - Strategy is not only about what we select / choose to say ‘yes’ to, but what we deliberately choose to say ‘no’ to. Avoid. Leave behind.

Our life path / business journey can be heavily influenced by these incremental yes / no choices.

Is there something you need to say ‘no’ to in order to free up the time, energy and resources for what should be a yes?

Having a clear picture around what we are aspiring to makes these decisions ever so much easier (you’ve possibly seen me post about the importance of your vision!) Growth can and does mean change. Is there something in your life / business which no longer serves you? Which is holding you back?

What about an opportunity you could pursue?

Are there some bridges on your horizon that could do with a crossing - or a burning?

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