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Let's create the future!

While we’re on lockdown is the perfect time to be working ‘on’ your business- going big picture, remembering why you started in the first place, what did you want to achieve? What impact did you wish to create? Having clarity around your vision and mission is a key part of this, and can be underrated, or put off as we get so busy in the day to day. Visioning can be a gloriously messy process and I highly recommend it. Your vision - or as #jimcollins describes it - your BHAG (big hairy audacious goal) should set the scene for each and every business decision. It is the lens we can look through when making big and small decisions. This helps enormously in the complex, and at times overwhelming, operational decisions we make. Holler if you’re curious to learn more - visioning is one of my absolute favourite pieces of work because it is so fabulously freaking powerful! Here’s to creating the future!

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