Vision clarityDo you have a favourite mantra or two that is your go to? This quote gets pulled out whenever I kick off a strategy session with new...
Growth!Are you feeling at a crossroads? Decision overloaded? This quote rings so true for me - Strategy is not only about what we select /...
Celebration!Yesterday’s highlight was a strategic review with a wonderful client who is anticipating (and ready for) a completely ‘back to normal’...
CalmWe’ve had a rough ride of late and many are feeling depleted. Change is stressful, uncertainty is stressful, trauma is stressful. Life,...
Happy Sunday!This life is - as they say - a roller coaster. We have our ups, and inevitably, we have our downs. My goal is always to ride the lows, to...
Perspectives...These are two unfiltered views of the same sunrise - same place, same time. Yet they are completely different. You’d think they were...
Kapow!If you’re running an organisation or a business, these three elements are essentials. Vision - your North Star, your ideal future, as Jim...
Moving forward...If you’re like me and your ‘normal’ has been looking a little strange and unsettling, a tip I’ve been using to ‘help clear the fog’ is to...
Ring those bells! Love me a little Leonard Cohen. The man’s lyricism is sublime and I LOVE this quote. I am a gentle fan of the imperfect. I think being...
“Keep your head up and eyes on the horizon”I love how nature bursts through with reminders that everything is going to be ok! It’s been a bit of a funny old week with some COVID...